Friday, November 21, 2008


I was having lunch with friends one day. I was really getting hungry but couldn’t start eating because my friend who was blessing our food was saying a litany of prayers. Then I heard a little girl from the other table saying a simple yet poignant prayer. “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the fries, the burger and the Coke, and for giving Mommy and Daddy the money to buy
them.” “Amen,” I replied, to the surprise of my friend who was still praying.
God takes no account of the quantity of words we use when we talk to Him. The one thing He looks into is our motives and the state of our hearts when we pray. We should never utter one syllable of prayer, either in public or in private, until we are sure that we have come into the presence of God and are actually praying to Him.
The greatest acts of worship are acts of simple obedience to God each day of the week.

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